the best thing about hari raya is the GATHERING and food of course. whats hari raya without the usual ketupat, rendang, ayam masak merah, serunding and sambal goreng, right?

it all start on the eve where business starts in the kitchen. chopping, peeling, blending, everything!!

but sadly, try as i might, i was hardly and help in the kitchen. i did manage to chop of a few onions and cubed a few meats and livers and tahu and tempehs, and i got so woozy, that i need my bed. and thats all i did. kesian mak! but being the super wonderwoman that she is, she managed to whipped up all the goodly dishes on her own! thats one super power that i will love to possess one day. soon ok!! haha..

so what if i had lung infection during the glorious day? that doesnt stop me from having fun. and i learnt to swallow my pills!! really!! i swallow the antibiotics whole!! thats a milestone lorrr…. wahahahahahaha.. but i dont like, the medicine makes me sweaty. or at least the paracetemol did. bleargghhh… sungguh tak glamour!

oh, and i dont even bother wearing my contact lenses, as, i believe they will melt with my over exert body temperature. can they, actually?? haha…

and i cant wear earrings!!! i put it on for a while, and my left earlobe were burning!!! sheesh.. so much for wanting to be glamorous this year. glamour go down the drain. lol.

alah, cut story short, i know i havent wish anyone the Eid wishes, so here goes,

Salam Lebaran buat semua,

Di Hari yang Bahagia ini,

Ingin ku mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyusun sepuluh jari,

Memohon maaf atas segala silap dan salah,

Sengaja atau tidak,

Dan oleh kata-kataku yang telah menyinggung hati kecil anda.

Halal kan makan minum ku seadanya, dengan tidak sengaja, saya terminum atau makan minuman/makanan anda.

Semoga panjang umur dan ditemukan lagi Syawal pada tahun hadapan.


here are some pictures!

makan makan

makan makan

Kak Shida and Mommy

Kak Shida and Mommy

My Parents and the only Cucu

My Parents and the only Cucu



Faz and Shash

Faz and Shash

this raya was a lil more meaningful than the rest because those past raya bajus that used to be snugged are not snuggy anymore!! (and its not because those baju dah lusuh, ok. LOL) wooohoooooooo….

i’ll update with more photos next time. this time, the paternal side.